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September 1, 2015

Bride and groom kissing during their wedding reception

Isha and TJ’s Slideshow Highlights. Click “Play” to enjoy! Turn Up those speakers! That day went so fast. It felt like a blur. I have never met the bride Isha nor her soon to be husband, TJ before. I communicated primarily with TJ’s mother, Gayle throughout the booking and planning process. This is my first […]

August 31, 2015

Bridal portrait Double tree downtown los angeles hotel

Venue:  DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Los Angeles Downtown

July 27, 2015

Venue: Double Tree by Hilton Los Angeles DowntownStyled Session designed by: At Your Door Events. http://www.atyourdoorevents.com/ Instagram: @atyourdooreventsHair and Makeup: Face it Sugar www.faceitsugar.com @face_it_sugar Floral Designs:Confection table: Styled by Kim White www.twosaparty.com IG: @twosapartyInvitations:Kimono inspired dress: Salvage Life www.salvagelife.com @salvagelifeModels: Justin and Ian Pascua  

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